
What I felt about being involved in event management

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in a very interesting event that blends the sentiments of affection and hospitality with regional development: the first ever “My Omotenashi Contest”


Since arriving from Brazil to pursue my university degree in Higashi Hiroshima, I have been studying various aspects of Japanese culture, tourism, and regional development. So, it was so cool to see all these things I had previously studied in class being applied in real life in this project, and what’s more, I was part of that!

The” My Omotenashi Contest” was a big and unprecedent project that I had heard about for quite some time. As an international student living in Higashi Hiroshima, that idea looked particularly captivating to me. 

But it was only after joining last week’s event, as a staff member, that I really got to grasp how big of a thing it was in fact. When I arrived there, I was firstly a little bit surprised with all these “shakaijin” (working persons), from different companies wearing suits and looking so professional. I gotta admit, that was little bit intimidating for an international student arriving in normal clothes.


Thankfully, I got a staff jacket, and everyone turned out to be nice. :¬)

Another aspect that impressed me a lot about the event was its media coverage. The Chugoku region journal and even NHK were there! 


Chugoku Shinbun

Even though I only appeared at the very background of the footage and for like 3 seconds (if much), it was so exciting to see myself on TV. Additionally, reviewing the news article and the television report about the event made me proud of having contributed to that. 

Overall, I thought the project is very noble in the sense that it aids foreigners in Higashi Hiroshima in reuniting with their loved ones. During the presentations, the contestants’ stories and their projects were filled with tenderness and affection, so I’m glad that this can assist their plans to happen. 

Finally, the "My Omotenashi Contest" was a fantastic experience that inspired me to combine warmth and hospitality and share that same vibe with my loved ones when they come to visit me.


Kenryo 2023, December
